Speed Reading

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The average reading speed is 250 words per minute. Most people are quite happy with that, but there's no reason why you can't easily read at 300 words per minute without making any big changes to the way that you read.


Being able to read just a few extra words per minute faster will lift up your words per minute score dramatically.


If you're reading speed is below average it might not because you're just a slow reader but because you've got in to some bad habits that slow you down.


Here's some simple tips that are so simple to do, yet not many people use these methods while reading.


 Use your finger, a pencil, a pen, a bookmark or anything you want to keep your eyes focused on the text you want to read. Just move your finger over the words in the sentence your reading. Keep your eye in front of your finger as you move it across the page.

-The start and end of a paragraph usually contain the important parts, so focus mostly on these parts.</li>

-Try to learn to skip over words like "the" "and" etc. Words like those appear so often in text but their not important enough to spend any time on them

-Keep a track of your reading speed. About once a week test yourself to see how many words you can read in a minute. Just doing this alone can increase your reading speed

-Don't re-read every sentence. It sounds stupid but most of us without even realising read the same lines more than once. We're so used to doing it we don't even notice.

There's nothing more simple than doing what's in the tips above. Even doing one or two of them will help you read faster. Once you get in to the habit you'll do it automatically and won't notice you're doing anything but you'll still be able to read quicker.


Possibly the most important tip I can give is the one about keeping a track of your reading speed. Even if you don't do any of the rest of them you should do that one if you're wanting to increase your reading speed with minimum effort! Seeing your words per minute increase a bit ever week will encourage you to read faster next week. If your reading speed goes down you feel encouraged to do better for next time. It really works, so do it!


Speed reading success requires you to understand and embrace certain qualities of your mind if you are to succeed. Due to the radically different approach and necessary new behaviors, an unprepared learner can easily give up. Rather than to succumb to this premature emotional reaction, speed reading success demands that we appreciate the natural reaction of our mind to new and different ways of behaving, and do something about it.


Our human mind has a strong tendency to resist most change, especially if it requires any additional conscious effort. Conscious effort requires extra energy that our unconscious mind wants to avoid.


How this plays out for someone newly learning to speed read goes something like this: We begin by being excited about the possibility of achieving our outcome of easily reading at multiple times our usual speed. We begin learning a few techniques. The techniques are radically different than the many years of reading experience we have had. We get frustrated. We may even try the exercises again, but have difficulty still. Then our mind concludes, "I can't do this." Alternatively, we might think, "This doesn't work."


There might be other internal negative self-talk experiences. The point is that we are yielding to that part of our mind that is change resistant. So we stop our practice.


Ultimately, nothing changes.


Do you want to read much faster, I mean really fast and comprehend and understand better, visit the links below friends


