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Having a big dream can feel like trudging hundreds of miles through a desert. You have a destination in mind, but it seems impossible to reach. As you struggle under the hot sun with no sign of relief, the dream within you starts to die.


You feel exhausted. You think maybe you should give up and spare yourself the agony of trying to achieve the impossible. However, you can't give up. You want it too badly.


The problem isn't that your dream is impossible


You can't get there the way you're going, but that does not mean that you can't get there at all.


Sit down and rest just for a moment to collect your strength. Take a minute or two to rethink your plan and try to come up with a better one. As you sit deep in thought, you hear the sound of a distant train rushing by.


Suddenly, you realize the solution to your problem. All this time, you've been walking towards your destination. The question is:


 Why aren't you on that train?


This is exactly what it's like trying to reach your dreams by using only your conscious mind. Most people give up because they don't realize there is a better way.


When you enlist the help of your subconscious, reaching your goals is like taking the train.


Chances are, you're only using a fraction of the resources available to you. Your subconscious represents the other 90 percent of your mind.


 How do you get your greater power working for you?


Here is an exercise you can do this evening that will get you started.


Take a pen and paper and ask yourself what you need to achieve your goal. Do you need money? Do you need new skills? Help from others? Whatever you need, you can get when you know how and where to look for it. It's time to activate the creative side of your brain.


Start by writing down your goal and everything you think you need to achieve it.


Afterwards, put on some soft, classical music and relax as much as you can. Read over your goal and list of what you need again and again. Begin brainstorming every idea you can think of to achieve it.


Some ideas will seem off the wall. Others may be completely worthless. All that matters is that you keep on writing possible solutions until you exhaust yourself.


 Then you turn it over to your subconscious


Go to bed and sleep on it. As you sleep, your subconscious will go to work on finding the perfect way to reach your objective. Keep a pen and paper by your bed so you can write out any ideas that occur to you when you wake up.


It won't take long before an idea hits you out of the blue. You'll know it because it feels just right for you. Once you have your winning idea, you'll feel as though you're on the express train to your dream destination.


A lot has been written about goal setting. Unfortunately, most of it doesn't work because it doesn't address people's subconscious motivations, which is why New Year's Resolutions rarely stick. In order for long-term goals to work, they have to be stated a certain way to "trick" the subconscious into believing that they have already happened. Only in this way will you be able to maintain the consistency of action that will make them come true.


There are a few key things that will ensure that the subconscious will work with you, rather than against.


First, your goal has to be clear, concise and realistic.


Second, your goal must be stated in the present.


Third, you must know (set) the time by which it will happen and know what the "end step" is so that you know when you've achieved your goal.


For example...


Goal: increase my income by x amount per month by January 2012.


Properly stated, it would look something like this:


"It is now January 2012 and I am making (income + x). I know this because I am looking at the check I just received from a very happy and satisfied client."


It's important to write your goals down and to review them twice a day - once in the morning after you wake up and once at night before you go to bed. It can take a while for things to sink into your subconscious, so it's important to be consistent.


Also, you may want to create a physical representation of what you're trying to create and put it where you can constantly see it (on the bathroom mirror, next to your computer, etc.) This "physical representation" can be a post-it note, picture, diagram or whatever will create the image of that reality for you. For example, if you want a certain kind of new car, cut out a picture from a magazine and put it up where you'll constantly see it. You can also create a "vision board" which consists of words and images representing what you're trying to create. A piece of poster board will do, but it can also be done on your computer screen and then installed as your "desktop" background.


Always keep your vision clearly in your mind's eye. It's important to constantly hold that vision in front of you, as if it has already been created. Only by doing this will it eventually manifest as your new reality.


The mind

One of the most, no the most advanced invention of all time is the mind without any shadow of a doubt. No matter how advanced modern civilisation and new technology will be, no one will rival the mind at anytime. Why? Because, the mind is and will always remain the creator. Think about it whatever invention was created was a picture in the mind before coming to fruition.

Now, the mind is divided into 2 parts; the conscious part and the subconsciuos part. While when we make the exercise to think we use the consciuos mind, the subconscious mind is the one which makes us do other vital functions like controlling our internal organs, blood pressure and other important tasks. However, modern research has shown that the subconciuos mind is way more powerful than any of us can think of. Hence, many experts decided to extensively research it. And to their amazement, they came to the conclusion that the subconsious mind can be programmed to better our lives.

Below is a list of links which you can visit to unleash the full potential of your mind, trust me you do not yet realize what kind of potential it holds, unleash the power by purchasing those products, it worked for me. Please copy the link that to not open automatically and paste it in your browser




