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Bodybuilding is one sure way to stay healthy and fit and scores of gyms try to accommodate that one single need. However, there's too much false information that abounds on the Internet and even in the gym where you might already frequent; you will if you haven't joined one yet. Exercise and training mistakes -- when it comes to bodybuilding -- have multiple ramifications that threaten to injure you or at least de-motivate you. Perhaps these pointers should be able to give you a heads up on the right way to approach bodybuilding:


It's not going to happen in a day: Too many enthusiastic beginners frequent the gym initially with the hopes that the bulging biceps and the much touted six packs would come about, just like that. To develop a body like that, you'll need to sacrifice a lot and work extremely hard. Even with that level of commitment and hard work, it does take a long time to get to the chiselled or sculpted shape that you aspire for. Develop a consistent routine, do the right things and give yourself enough time to see the results.


A gym is not for socializing, really: Although it won't hurt to make friends while you are in the gym, too many gym goers sacrifice their body building goals for socializing which is a bad thing to do. Go around and talk; make good friends and meet new people. However, don't take it to the extreme at the cost of your bodybuilding goals. Focus on your bodybuilding routines, sweat through your exercises, aim to challenge yourself on all counts and never sacrifice your main bodybuilding goals and aspirations just to initiate small talk with others in the gym.


Diet & rest is more important than pumping iron: Actually, there are on an even keel. When you feed your muscles right and pump iron, your muscles develop tears and micro-fractures. When you rest well after a strict daily regimen of body building, they take the time to grow. Only this time, your muscles will grow larger to compensate. Note that this growing part happens when you take rest. Most body building enthusiasts don't give themselves sufficient rest after going the gym; don't let this happen to you.


Getting comfortable is bad: Some people go out there to lift weights they are comfortable with; successful bodybuilding enthusiasts aim to lift more and challenge themselves to lift what they thought they couldn't. One of the open secrets in the field of body building is that the more lifts you lift progressively, the larger your muscles will grow. Don't get comfortable with a weight and spend months lifting the same weight since that would take you nowhere. Aim to pump up your muscles by lifting more progressively.




"People are not lazy. They simply have impotent goals-that is, goals that do not inspire them."-Anthony Robbins


A goal is a mental representation of something you wish to achieve within a given time frame. Aiming for goals is a simple way to keep yourself motivated, evaluate progress, create emotion and achieve things. A goal can give you clearer direction. If you don't know where you are going, you will probably end up someplace else. Talent will take you just so far. Setting goals goes with mental training and hard work.


Setting goals is an art. Focus your mind on a target and your more likely to achieve it. If you don't aim for goals, all your efforts will go astray. And focus on what you want rather than what you do not want.


A well-known acronym for setting goals is SMART. The S is for Specific. The more specific you make your goal, the easier it will become to figure out if you are on target and when you have achieved it. Bring in your senses when you form your goal so you can see, hear and feel everything as you visualise yourself achieving your desired outcome. Be careful about specific. ''I want to gain four pounds of pure muscle this year'' is it specific? What happens when you get your four pounds of pure muscle in eight months? ''I want to gain more than four pounds of pure muscle this year'' gives you room to go further.


M is Measurable. Create a starting point from where you can measure your improvements.


A stands for Achievable. High enough to inspire solid hope of reaching the goal. Only you know if your goal is achievable. Is it too challenging, or not challenging enough?


R is Realistic. Do you have the personal resources and skills to bring about your goal? Would more education be required? If the target is too big, too outlandish, far away, it can damage your motivation.


And T is Time-bound, an accomplishment date. If you do not set some form of deadline, tomorrow never comes. Keep it flexible as reaching the goal is the important element, not the time frame. Set time limits, but keep them flexible, just reassess your goal and keep on until it is reached. Make goals challenging.


Hesitation ruins action. Stop putting things off, as with action, you can aim for bigger, juicier goals. What do you want to accomplish in bodybuilding? It starts when you set goals. Setting goals is the first step into putting your dreams into action.


Ask goal oriented questions:

What do you want from bodybuilding? Is it specific, definite, measurable?

Can you maintain your goal?

What stops you having that goal?

What resources have you? Are they emotional, financial, mental, physical, spiritual?

What resources are required?


On a scale of 0 - 10, what would 10 be like as your very best? What would 2 be like? What is the closest to 10 you have been? Where are you on that scale now? What would it take to go 3 points higher? I bet you can do twice as good as you're doing.


How you design your goals makes a big difference. The bigger the better. Your goal should excite and scare you at the same time. If it frightens you, you are facing your fear of failure, but your not backing down. Set your goals in concrete. "I'll do my best" or "lets see how it goes" does not carry much enthusiasm.


Break the ultimate goal down into smaller parts until each step is easy for you to take action. By having a number of smaller chunks to work on stops you freaking out over a large overwhelming one. State goals with happiness and act as if they were already a reality. Read or recite your goal every day. Your mind needs constant repetition to accept your aims deeply and unconsciously. Be consistent.


Use your language carefully while designing goals. "I want to lose 20 lbs of unwanted weight." Two words there confuse your subconscious, 'lose' and 'weight.' Why would you want to 'lose' anything? Why do you want to 'weight' (wait) to lose something? How about "I want to release 20 lbs of fat in the next 12 weeks" makes it more specific. Get the point? You can then go to work with a new plan.


When you set your sights on a goal whole-heartedly, your subconscious will do what it can to help you reach it. It does not take much to get things started, a simple thought or action. Or better, a thought and action combined.


Effective goals do several things. Higher goals lead to higher expectation. Conventional wisdom is right in suggesting we generally get what we expect. So if you set a modest goal, do not expect a high-level result.


One of the reasons people do not reach a desired goal is they do not have a goal beyond it. Your goal becomes more motivational when other possibilities are likely once you have achieved it.


However you are getting on, rejoice when you reach about three quarters (75%) of your goal to celebrate how far you have come and remain upbeat.


Goals give you growth. They can transform your life. Take notice of anything at all that shows you are achieving your target or what motivates you toward that target. Hold it in your hands, smell it, let it shine on you.

Do you want to start or get to the next stage in bodybuilding? Visit the links below
