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S.M.A.R.T. goals are known to be SPECIFIC, ATTAINABLE, MEASUREABLE, RELEVANT AND TIMELY and I could write five articles on each aspect since they are all so important. But, I'd like to focus on just one.


The "A."


Let's substitute "ACTION" for "Attainable."


Here's why. I happen to think that "attainable" is a given in any situation because, truthfully, there isn't much in our lives that we can't attain if we put our greatest efforts toward it. In fact, the "A" in S.M.A.R.T. goals is actually the weakest link for most people and the reason that most people DON'T achieve their goals at all. Think about it. Most of us don't set goals that we think are impossible to achieve so that makes that attainable "A" already a moot point. In fact, many people set an easy "A" and therefore remain in their comfort zone making it's "ok" if they don't attain it, as it was just a small goal in the first place.


Stay with me.


I talk to entrepreneurs all the time who have set specific goals that they have carefully measured and that they know are relevant and timely to their businesses. And yet, they come to me frustrated because they haven't reached them yet and can't figure out what they are doing wrong! Their goals are clearly good-maybe even great-- but they are missing the one vital thing that gives the rest of the S.M.A.R.T. equation its real power.




In my family we always encouraged one another when we set out to get something accomplished by saying: "Get an A!" This didn't just refer to getting an A in our studies, but also getting an A in our jobs, getting an A in giving a teleseminar, running a fitness bootcamp, or even getting an A in our health examination with our doctor! We all knew that we couldn't get that "A" without action and we were naturally held accountable by one another in a positive way as everyone from my parents down served as supportive cheerleaders with the EXPECTATION that we would be successful.


Without action and the natural accountability that goes with it, S.M.A.R.T. goals are not possible to achieve. And without action, entrepreneurs and business owners are destined to fail. Putting the "Action" into your goals will ensure your success!


Although it can prove to be a difficult one, the lead generation process is key to your success. Without consistently acquiring new leads, it is simply impossible for your business to grow. Luckily for the modern entrepreneur, the contemporary lead generation process involves no cold-calling or door-to-door awkwardness.


There is simply no denying the fact that your online business is dependent on new leads. Learning effective strategies used in generating leads will certainly provide your business with the boost it needs for growth.


Establishing a Foundation


Every business person or entrepreneur presumably has goals for their venture. Although to some it may seem a tad corny and clich??, setting goals can prove to be an extremely effective strategy. I recommend that all entrepreneurs take the time to set achievable and realistic goals. Goal-setting provides a foundation for developing leads. Those who set goals tend to maintain focus and consequently excel within their niche.


Setting goals intended for lead generation should include a marketing budget and establishing a goal for the number of leads you are trying to generate. If your marketing campaign utilizes paid products, it is vital to ensure that your investments will provide you with substantial returns. Setting your sights on reasonable goals and tracking your results are the initial steps in your strategy to generate a list of prospects.


SEO and Email Marketing


Obviously, the aim of the lead generation process is to attract an increased number of visitors to your blog or website. There are various different ways in which you can use the internet to generate promising leads. Using search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is an extremely effective technique when blogging.


Learning to produce content within SEO guidelines will undoubtedly improve your blog's search engine value and increase the chance of the content you create being ranked higher on the pages of the search engine. The SEO writing format manipulates the search engine process by anchoring keywords with proper HTML coding.


I cannot stress enough the value of acquiring the email address of potential prospects. In the online business world, a potential consumer's personal email address is like water in the Sahara. Getting hold of an individual's contact information allows online marketers to directly contact and promote their business to admittedly interested individuals. I say admittedly interested because obviously they found some value in your business if they are willing to provide their email address.


There is various proven email address capturing strategies that are effective and widely used. These include driving traffic to high converting squeeze pages where potential customers are asked to provide their contact information in exchange for information or products they desire. Finding which of these potent strategies works best for you can prove to be an integral aspect of process generating leads.


Article Syndication


Article syndication is an effective, probably underutilized, method used to obtain new business leads. By using an article syndication tool like Article Marketing Robot, online marketers can publish their content all over the internet in a matter of minutes.


Doing so will create incredibly valuable backlinks that are sure to increase the value of your blog or website. Posting your original content in various corners of the immense internet world is sure to generate the leads your business needs.


In addition to bolstering your search engine value with backlinks, article syndication can save you a considerable amount of time. Article syndication products prevent marketers from having to visit numerous websites to post the same content. These products automate the process and expedite the lead generation process and are ultimately another strategy to help you grow your business.

If you are an entrepreneur or you plan to be one, visit the links below






Sharp-end training


If you are a home based business or a small start up, you probably have a small budget for everything – including website design.

You probably don’t have a web design (or any design) background.

You DO know that there are very few businesses large or small that don’t need a website.

Even on a small budget it is possible to get recognised and ‘found’on the web, and you feel that the time and effort you have spent on your design will bring you some success.

BUT getting honest feedback on your work Is almost impossible.

So where do you go for feedback?

You could ask your friends and family; they may less critical than you need them to be – just because they are family and friends,almost certainly they will try to avoid hurting your feelings or risk troubling the friendship.
In short, they aren’t the best people to give impartial business advice.

So where else can you go ?

You could post your site on an online business forum. There are plenty of them out there.The most popular forums have a “Review my site” section.

However, on these sites ‘reviewers’ can be semi-anonymous giving you no idea if the person posting the feedback is any good or not.

Some of the feedback could be malicious – unfortunately some people get kicks out of being deliberately rude and upsetting to strangers.

Here is the good news… You don’t have to do ANY of this…

If you have designed your own site or got a friend or relative to do it for you, let us supply you with a LOW COST, easy to understand website review report.

Your 33 point website review will give you HONEST, IMPARTIAL third party feedback on your site in a simple and easy to understand format.

We will take a few basic details about your site and you will receive a comprehensive report with specific feedback.

Who is this service suitable for?

You will benefit if you designed your own site or had someone design it for you as a “favour” and you aren’t totally sure if what they have done is right.










