Law of attraction

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Once people have read and familiarized themselves with the actual concept of the law of attraction, the first question that pops in their minds is how to use the law of attraction. One of the primary concepts that are repeatedly emphasized while discussing about law of attraction is the fact that like attracts like. Basically, this means that like thoughts attract like consequences and effects. Or to state it simply, it just means that whatever effects you see / experience are a direct outcome of your thoughts.


Direct Relation between Thoughts and Effects


There is a direct relation between thought processes and the situations that we face in our daily lives. Having positive thoughts is essential to having a positive life full of positive experiences. When you think of something negative, you are basically attracting negativity into your life by just thinking about it.


For instance, if you thought that it would be really bad for you if you lost some career opportunity, then it doesn't matter that you were actually trying to protect your career by avoiding risks. All that matters is that the thought of losing a career opportunity occurred in your mind. This thought will now attract the negative consequence of lost opportunities.


Instead, it is better to think of how great it would be if you succeeded in some endeavor or got your raise or got a great career opportunity. If you think this, the fundamental law of attraction that governs the universe will be sure to bring about circumstances and situations where this positive outcome is possible. This, in essence, is how to use the law of attraction in an appropriate manner.


What Benefits Can Come Out Of This?


Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be achieving all the greatness in life? How they never lose in anything they try their hand at? How they seem to achieve the highest possible status and successes in every single thing that they try their hands on?


Is it because they work hard? Is it because they have a natural talent for what they do or is it because they have invested thousands of hours of hard work and patient practice?


The answer is NO. Well, mostly no. Hard work and talent do go a long way in getting you what you want, but above all, it is important to have a really positive mindset and never stop thinking of good outcomes. No matter how hard you try or diligently you work, the chances of getting positive results are very dim if you yourself do not believe that you can succeed.


Being confident of achieving success, makes you more focused and determined in your efforts at achieving it. Having a clear picture of the reward in store for yourself will be sure to help motivate you and make sure that you do not quit halfway into the game.


Have you decided on your New Year's Resolutions yet?  They're usually the ultimate example of goal setting most people practice, along with annual performance reviews at work.  And they're usually a set-up for failure.  Read this article and discover why that is.


The problem with your New Year's Resolution


So what is your New Year's Resolution?  Lose 10 pounds?  Lose 50 pounds?  Make 6 figures a year at long last?


What do these "goals" have in common?  They do meet two of the official key criteria for good goals -- they're specific, and they have a deadline.  So why is there a problem?


They're specific about the wrong thing!


What?  You can't have a goal about how much you want to lose?  What if you break it down into 2 pounds a week?


That's even worse.  Here's a very interesting truth:


You don't always have control over the outcome (unless you play it extremely safe, and even then things can go wrong). So when you focus on your results, you start getting anxious, worrying about what if you fail.  According to the Law of Attraction, you'll get what you worry about, and that's NOT the outcome you want.


So what should you do instead?


Be specific about what you can do that might help you achieve your desired outcome.

So if you want to lose weight, decide on what it would take.  Come up with a few action steps you have control over and commit to do at least a certain number of them every day.


Decide on and commit to action steps


For weight loss, these action steps might and probably should include things like drinking a certain number of glasses of water, eating some fresh vegetables, eating some protein, moving your body, and getting enough sleep.  Then track how well you did.


Forget about the outcome.  Sure, you can visualize how much you'll enjoy having it once you get there, but don't get too obsessed with it.


Here's the problem when you're dealing with others


Let's take the performance review example: If you have a "normal" boss, you'll probably be held to providing specific results projections. For example, you're supposed to sell a certain amount of stuff, or get so many things published, or whatever.


If you go along with this kind of thinking, you'll soon find that you're obsessing about "goals" that you can't control, and you get very anxious about them.  And that, in turn, gets in the way of you being able to achieve them.


Here's what you can do about it


First, focus on allowing... For best results, stop focusing on those goals altogether.  Instead, focus on the actions that will help you make these things possible, i.e., what you have control over.


Then do your part, enjoy the process, and let go of concerns of the outcome. If you do that, chances are good that you'll get the results you want.


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